Monday, January 27, 2020
Impact of 16 and Pregnant on Teen Pregnancy Rates
Impact of 16 and Pregnant on Teen Pregnancy Rates Teen pregnancy rates drop because of tv shows like MTVs 16 and Pregnant When tv shows such as MTVs 16 and Pregnant first began airing on tv most people believed that the show would encourage teenage pregnancy, but they were mistaken. The show actually made teen pregnancy rates drop instead. Shows such as this one has proven itself to actually proven to prevent teen pregnancy instead of encouraging it. Studies have shown that teen pregnancy rates have began to drop since the show has first begun airing on tv ,as well as more searches on how to receive birth control, and have also encouraged teenagers to start practicing safer sex. The show just might be the reason why teen pregnancy rates had dropped so dramatically ,coincidentally it occurred after the show actually began airing. To find out for sure scientists began a study to figure out what had been going on and they found that, the show and its spinoffs actually had an educational effect, cutting the teen birth rate by six per cent, or more than 20,000 births, in 2010 (Remote (birth) control). This proves 16 and Pregnant actually made a difference in peoples lives and let alone their futures. The teenagers who watched the show lives were changed, Neither the boys nor girls who watched the episodes wanted to imitate the teens in the episodes they watched. In fact, nearly all teens (93%) who watched the show agreed (53% strongly agreed) with the statement: I learned that teen parenthood is harder than I imagined from these episodes(Suellentrop et al) , also an interview was conducted from a few people on the show and they asked, are teens influenced by what they see on TV , and one of the interviewes replied with,what teenagers are watching can make a really big difference in what they think and, ultimately, how they behave and really important life decisions (Is 16 and Pregnant An Effective Form Of Birth Control?). The young women and men that watched the show and who were interviewed could have been just like the other teenagers on 16 and Pregnant but the shows presented them a better outlook on life and a safer one at that.This show alone has changed some peoples future and even dropped the teen pregnancy percentages. They helped the troubled young community make a difference in society and for the next generation to come. The show has also been proven to teach teenagers that safer sex such as using contraception like birth control or condoms may be necessary to prevent themselves from becoming teen moms or fathers besides abstinence altogether. By using these helpful devices they are automatically less likely to get pregnant or get another person pregnant by high percentages. Researchers found that, The show may actually encourage him or her to practice safer sex, according to a new study(Jacque Wilson). Practicing safer sex not only helps to prevent teen pregnancies, but also protects against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) that could lead to tissue scarring and permanent damage. The shows continue to teach the teenagers important lessons and help to, create an opportunity to talk to teens about the risks of sex(Suellentrop et al). This evidence is continuing to prove the effectiveness and the extra chances that this show provides for young boys and girls that couldve possibly gone through a tou gher time.This helps teens and their parents to also help in the prevention in the pregnancy problem. As parents usually wanted to be involved especially when it has to do with their kids futures as well as someone elses. 16 and Pregnant also started conversations about the show and teen pregnancy , and all over made teen pregnancy a less commonplace as well as made more teenagers change their point of views on the topic from a typical okay ordeal to one frowned upon and a less likely matter.They even began to talk themselves out of the idea of being a pregnant teenager was easy, the difficulty level changed their mind.Things continued to change because, The more teens talked about the show, the less likely they were to think that teen pregnancy and teen parenthood are commonplace(Suellentrop et al).The quote proves the changes that are happening and contributing to the dramatic pregnancy rates dropping.The scientists even showed that the teenagers perceptions were changing and they learned , more about how watching and discussing episodes of the popular MTV documentary-style reality show 16 and Pregnant influences teens perceptions of getting pregnant and becoming a parent at a young age(Suellentrop et al). The scientists referred to how the teens changed their ideas about pregnancy because of the show .The show starts conversations that help to prevent and protect the mother of the teenagers getting pregnant at such a young age. Including maybe losing them altogether. When teenagers decide to turn on tv shows like 16 and Pregnant they decide to use safer sex, they also change their minds about teen pregnancy and its difficulty level, as well as contributing in other ways to help drop pregancy rates. The teenagers are now going to have a better life as well as lining up their futures kids to have better lives just by not getting pregnant as a teenager. Therefore concluding the research is proof that 16 and Pregnant does not glamorize pregnancy it shows real life situations that other teenagers can relate and connect to helping them protect themselves from mistakes, diseases, and other bad decisions that could have made along the way but now because of the show they are less likely to have to experience all those issues . References Is 16 and Pregnant An Effective Form Of Birth Control? All Things Considered, 13 Jan. 2014. Student Resources in Context, Accessed 6 Feb. 2017. Remote (birth) control. Macleans, 27 Jan. 2014, p. 8. Student Resources in Context, Accessed 6 Feb. 2017. Suellentrop, Katherine, et al. Reality Television Shows Reveal the Risks of Teen Pregnancy. Teen Dating, edited by Louise I. Gerdes, Greenhaven Press, 2013. Opposing Viewpoints. Opposing Viewpoints in Context, Accessed 3 Feb. 2017. Originally published as Evaluating the Impact of MTVs 16 and Pregnant on Teen Viewers Attitudes About Teen Pregnancy, Science Says, Oct. 2010. Wilson, Jacque. Study: MTVs 16 and Pregnant Led to Fewer Teen Births. Health and Wellness Resource Center. CNN Newsource Sales, Inc., 13 Jan. 2014. Web. 9 Feb. 2017.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
A Goal I Have Accomplished
Graduating from college, having a stable job or putting up their own business and having a happy family might be the things people want to achieve in their lifetime.Many people hope for this at an early age while they still have the support of their parents especially financially. I, myself, also hope for those. Those are also the goals that I want to accomplish. However, with my present status, I believe those could only be bonuses for all the achievements I have now.I recently got my General Education Development diploma ââ¬â this is already a great achievement for me. This is because I got it as a fruit of all the labor, perseverance and determination. It is very difficult to manage my life while I study. I am a single mother and I need to work for a living to feed my little boy.There were times that I needed to review my lessons while I am tending to his needs during the night. There were many nights that I have gone sleepless and still go to school during the day. But I know I needed to do everything not only for my future but especially for my child future ââ¬â thatââ¬â¢s what I always think of.My beautiful boy is the crown to all my tiredness and the everlasting joy to all my achievements. At the end of the day when I see him smiling at me, he gives me new hope to pursue what I am planning to do.Aside from perseverance and thinking of our future, another step that I took is to continue my studies. I already started college in August. I am now pursuing my Bachelor of Arts in Business through Kaplan Online. Moreover, to compensate for our expenses, I am also working fulltime. Going back to school is a present achievement I am enjoying now.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Student Essay
In both ââ¬Å"Hard Choicesâ⬠and ââ¬Å"Initiation into Adulthoodâ⬠we are giving a look at three different stories, everyone who is approach to adulthood is filled with growing pains, and stretching out of our comfort zones, and the decisions that make us who we are. Each of the Essays looks at them differently. What made one better than the other? We learn that getting and keeping the reader's attention Is very important. The author of ââ¬Å"Hard Choicesâ⬠let us know what we are going to be reading about fast. In the essay ââ¬Å"Hard Choicesâ⬠we are given a clear Introduction and thesis statement.Telling us that we are looking at an overview of different stories, not Just a story written about children's choices or their passage to adulthood can help us to understand what we are reading. By letting us know right away what the essay Is looking at makes It easier to read. Furthermore, ââ¬Å"Hard Choicesâ⬠did a good Job comparing the three stones. Not o nly holding our attention with clear overviews that were Interesting but also a paragraph at the end comparing them all. Then closing with a conclusion that was short and to the point will help with understanding.In tot essays we get a comparison of the 3 stories in the conclusion, there are still some points that left me looking for clarity, after reading ââ¬Å"Initiation into Adulthoodâ⬠In the ââ¬Å"Hard Choicesâ⬠They not only looked at each story it addresses a total comparison taking the comparison further. One weakness that I saw in the essay ââ¬Å"Hard Choices was the way two of the paragraphs started, ââ¬Å"Likeâ⬠and ââ¬Å"Likewiseâ⬠are so similar that is almost repetitive. There are other words that could have replaced one of them. Starting each of the paragraphs differently would make for better reading.Although the word choice was great the start of each of the paragraphs was repetitive. On a whole the essay ââ¬Å"Hard Choices was well written and superb at keeping our attention altering the way each paragraph was started would have made it more enjoyable. Looking at ââ¬Å"Initiation into Adulthoodâ⬠the start was misleading; don't wait till the thesis statement to let us know the essay is a comparison of stories. When first reading ââ¬Å"Initiation into Adulthoodâ⬠it appeared as though this paper would be talking about how we all become adults and grow to have our own say in the life e live.This can be miss-leading and loose some reader at that point. Also, being more concise and interesting in your disruptions of each story will help to keep each reader reading, looking for more. We were told what happened in the story but the reader's attention may or may not be held if they are not a little more Involved. ââ¬Å"Initiation into Adulthoodâ⬠was written using proper grammar and conveyed the correct Information. Summing it all up, Writing a paper comparing the works of others can be helpful and also hu rtful at the same time.The approach best taken loud be one that holds a reader's attention telling us as we go the highlights and comparisons, Including the good and bad. But then at the end answers any questions that might be out there unanswered and still needing more Information Student Essay By Tweets We learn that getting and keeping the reader's attention is very important. The the essay ââ¬Å"Hard Choicesâ⬠we are given a clear introduction and thesis statement. Understand what we are reading. By letting us know right away what the essay is looking at makes it easier to read.Furthermore, ââ¬Å"Hard Choicesâ⬠did a good Job impairing the three stories. Not only holding our attention with clear overviews that were interesting but also a paragraph at the end comparing them all. Then closing some points that left me looking for clarity, after reading ââ¬Å"Initiation into Adulthoodâ⬠. Reader's attention may or may not be held if they are not a little more involv ed. Correct information. Summing it all up, Writing a paper comparing the works of comparisons, including the good and bad. But then at the end answers any questions that might be out there unanswered and still needing more information
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Should We All Be Vegetarians - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1122 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2019/06/18 Category Health Essay Level High school Tags: Vegetarian Essay Did you like this example? Vegetarianism is not a condition for liberation or enlightenment, which is the purpose of Buddhist practice. And so it seems that Buddhist vegetarians are doing something unnecessary. Because if different Buddhist disciplines are able to practice without the necessity of being vegetarian, what do we have to do to become vegetarian? Although generally speaking, the number of vegetarians is on the rise for a variety of reasons, but only in terms of the majority of Buddhists awareness of vegetarianism, the number of vegetarians not much. Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Should We All Be Vegetarians?" essay for you Create order On the contrary, such skepticisms and arguments against the vegetarian diet seem to be more and more apparent, even appearing at some of the monks in the Theravada tradition. In fact, the number of vegetarian Buddhists is still very modest, if not very low, compared to the overwhelming majority of vegetarians only on certain days of the month, or even not vegetarian This does not seem to be appropriate with the teachings of compassion as well as the teachings of cause and effect that all Buddhists believe and follow. First of all, Buddhists have two reasons for being vegetarian. The first is compassion. If you do not have compassion, or at least do not agree with the compassion of others, you have not had a good sympathy for Buddhism, let alone become a Buddhist. Therefore, all Buddhists are in the process of cultivating compassion or at least supporting, agreeing with the compassionate practice of others. If you have doubts about your own compassion, you can self-verify through a few simple questions. Watching the news every day on television, each time a disaster occurs somewhere in the world that hundreds of people die, thousands of people lost their homes, living miserably and in need, you will feel how? Can you be cold-hearted? Will, there be a throbbing heart in your heart, it makes you or your tears, or the urge to do something to share with others? Or do you sometimes go out on the street and accidentally witness a tragic accident, you can indifferently walk without hesitation? Or will yo u stop by and help if needed? Even if you cannot help, there is no compassion in your heart. Emotions emanating from suffering are completely natural in almost every human being, not just Buddhists. However, Buddhists who follow the Buddhas teachings should always cultivate compassion and turn those emotions into thoughts, words, and actions according to two specific goals: rescuing suffering and bringing joy to others. Suffering and joy is the meaning of compassion. The compassion of Buddhism towards the object is that all sentient beings are all perceptive, not just human beings. The progressive civilization of humanity today has come to be similar to this view as most civilized nations have a strict policy of protecting animals. Although humanity has not really stopped eating meat, the killing of animals today has been viewed as a crime. The second reason that Buddhists turn to vegetarianism is the belief in cause and effect. In a nutshell, if you are not vegetarian, that means you have not really believed the cause and effect. Why? Law of cause and effect makes it clear that when you sow, you will reap the fruit. No matter where you go to wherever you are or how long you are going to spend, the end is sure to be the result of your own actions. In fact, if you just have to suffer a painful stroke to change a meal, surely none of us will pick that up! But according to the law of cause and effect, with every meal of the flesh and blood, we will certainly have to return it with a life of suffering, because it will be terminated by killing, by the pain of tortured to death. Its a great price for just one meal, let alone hundreds of thousands of meals throughout our lives! So, if you do not think about the price too much, do not think about the consequences of sure to receive in the future because of your meals, does that say that you are not really sure about the kernel? fruit? Are you always deluded that you are an exception, and the scary consequences will not come to you? Are you suggesting that the killing will bring about the killings, but is that just for everyone else, but not for your case? Vegetarianism has different meanings for different religions or beliefs. In this sense, being a vegetarian means eating pure, pure food, rather than merely eating fish. However, first and foremost, of course, vegetarianism must include not eating meat or, broadly speaking, any food produced by slaughter. Some foods are not. by killing, but by harm that has. The livestock sector now breeds dairy cows, raising chickens for eggs but does not kill these animals right away, but is clearly damaging to life, not allowing these animals to live a natural life. , and therefore the food is not so pure, pure. Some plant foods are also mentioned in the classics as being impure, impure, because of their special properties, particularly pungent foods that are classified in the taste category. Including onions, chives, garlic, zucchini, and kao. Based on similar criteria, other foods such as booze, onion can also be classified in this group. The reason vegetarians do not eat these dishes is not just because of their pungent taste, but because they have a strong sexual stimulant effect, which is considered to be impure. However, you can still use these items as me dication when needed, in which case they are not considered as food. Does Buddhism oblige Buddhists to eat vegetarian food? The answer is no. In fact, it was the Buddha and his disciples, who were originally vegetarians, who were not vegetarians. When Buddhism was just formed after the Buddhas enlightenment and the beginning of the teachings, the Buddha and the Sangha lived on food obtained from begging in the villages and neighborhoods they passed. Most of the residents there did not know about vegetarianism, and they could donate to the monks bowl any food they had, including fish meat. In that situation, the monks cannot choose vegetarian food and refuse the impure food. It depends on how they want it. Never force yourself into a vegetarian diet if your mind is not really ready. But from today, start to think seriously about the meaning of vegetarianism as I have described above, and then you will be able to make judgments about these meanings. That is perfectly possible in any s ituation, and I am sure that it will plant seeds into your mind for a better future. Be sure to practice what you feel is right, but do not let yourself be dragged into arguments.
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